Watch the video tutorial:
Step-by-step instructions:
To set a personal goal, click on the "+" in the top right corner and then select "Goal".
You can set up to 3 personal goals at a time. Browse the recommended goals by clicking the back/next buttons and click "Set this goal" if you see one you would like to set. Alternatively, you can create your own goal by clicking the blue "+".
If you're creating your own goal, first you must decide how often you want to complete the goal (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, or total). Next, you need to select what activities or categories will be a part of your goal. You can select up to five activities OR one category (you cannot select an activity and a category).
Once you've selected an activity or a category, you will need to decide the quantity (e.g. how much of the activity you need to track) to achieve the goal.
For example, since we selected a "daily" goal, if we selected "meditation" as the activity, we would have to decide how many minutes we want to complete each day. Instead, if we selected the entire "Feel" category, we would have to decide how many points we want to earn from that category each day to meet the goal.
Next, select your start date and how long you want to complete the goal for. Keep in mind if you have a weekly or monthly frequency setting, your duration should be for at least 1 week or 1 month.
To finalize your goal, you can add a photo (optional). Next, you can update the name and instructions. You can also add a description (optional).
Click "Create" and you're all set to start making progress towards living a healthier lifestyle!
To view your goal, navigate to the "Home" tab and click through the cards under the "Your goals" section. Here you can track the eligible activities directly from the goal card by clicking on the "+" above the date you would like to track for.
In addition, you can click on the goal card to review the details of your goal, your progress, as well as track eligible activities.
If you want to delete your goal, press the "..." in the top right of the goal page and press "Delete [goal name]".
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